
Break down the silos between your development and operations teams, enhance collaboration and transform existing models to ensure software development aligns with rapidly changing business and customer needs.

DevOps connecting silos of organization - Techigai

Delivering applications at the pace of business

Optimize development lifecycle through agile principles, automation, and cross-functional collaboration.

For many organizations today, success hinges on time-to-market and the quality of the applications they create and operate with. This requires accelerating software delivery by facilitating better collaboration and automation amongst development, infra & ops, quality assurance, and project management teams. We specialize in helping our clients achieve this by leveraging DevOps and Agile methodologies.

fast paced expressway representing DevOps pace of business - Techigai

We de-risk IT deployments, remove communication silos, and eliminate the “but it works on my system” excuse.

We enable your business to maximize the speed of delivery of its digital services, from initial idea to production release, user feedback, and enhancements. Our engineers have extensive hands-on experience with DevOps philosophy and automated tools that helps eliminate inefficiencies in your delivery pipeline and accelerate deployments.
hourglass representing eliminated inefficiencies because of DevOps - Techigai

DevOps Services


DevOps Consulting

To us, DevOps is about eliminating non-value activities to improve software quality and enable a test-often-release-often practice. Our DevOps experts help assess your systems and execute DevOps and Agile methodology across SDLC for continuous delivery, automated configuration management, security, and resilience. All built upon an easily manageable, cost-effective, and future-proof tool ecosystem.

CI/CD Pipeline

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery improves code quality and accelerates software updates with no gaps in the build, staging, and production environments. We develop and enable code that is continuously integrated, deployed, tested, and merged with infrastructure by going through all security and quality reviews and being ready to deploy with high confidence.

Configuration Management

Manual configuration and deployment practices result in operational expenses as managed environments grow. We can help you automate the process of configuration management by defining infra as a code and ensuring the configuration policy is portable, testable, and versionable. Our engineers configure every system correctly and consistently and create seamless infrastructure.

Continuous Testing and Monitoring

Enable flawless continuity in the delivery cycle through test early, test often, and proactive monitoring. We help you execute automated tests throughout the delivery pipeline to get the earliest possible feedback about the code quality. We also enable continuous monitoring tools to identify compliance issues, security risks and mitigate the uncertainties.

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Here are our thoughts on the latest in technology, and some compelling stories of our shared success.

Case Study
Streamlined and Automated Infrastructure for a Mobile Communications Provider

The solution is focused on streamlining the deployment pipeline and using PAAS architectur...

  • 90% reduction in error identification time
  • 25k/year reduction in Cloud Infrastructure costs
  • 30% reduction in issue resolution time
  • 25% Improvement in Application Performance
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Case Study
Deployed Microservices Architecture for a Global Retail Group

The architecture built using Kubernetes helped the client to isolate the customer environm...

  • 90% Reduction in customer onboarding time
  • 75% Reduction in pipeline deployment time
  • 50% Reduction in infrastructure costs
  • 24*7 monitoring of Kubernetes Cluster
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DevSecOps – A Trusty Sidekick to Your DevOps-Superhero

In today’s rapid-paced environment, where the speed of application development and security of the application cannot be compromised, DevSecOps follows a methodology for translating security goals to practice. Read on to learn more.

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Accelerating Software Product Quality In a DevOps Environment

As software development cycles are getting shorter and faster, testing and QA are undergoing massive changes to meet the rapidly changing needs. Lately, the key focus is enhancing customer experience while ensuring high-quality and secured software solutions. So, how should you develop a reliable QA plan in this Agile/DevOps era? Read on.

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