Natural Language Processing

Benefit from an optimal combination of open-source and commercial tool choices for a range of NLP applications to support the complex requirements of your business
Letters of Alphabets for Learning - Techigai

Interpret unstructured spoken and written data using NLP

Industry-specific NLP algorithms can be trained to recognize sentiments and underlying emotions in customer responses.

Natural language processing (NLP) enables machines to derive meaning from unstructured text, documents, speech, emails, social media, customer reviews, and business reports. We build scalable NLP engines that process data faster than humans to find intent, sentiment, relations, and relevance. Our AI experts are here to help you harness the power of NLP with the integration of consumable speech, text, image, video, and OCR services to unlock data value at pace.

Perception Tshirt representing NLP algorithms to recognize sentiments - Techigai

Applications of Natural Language Processing

Applications of NLP Natural Language Processing - Techigai

Our NLP Offerings

Question and Answer Systems

Provide users with Natural Language responses generated from multiple data sources

Content Acquisition and Document Analysis Systems

Acquire unstructured data from multiple sources and interpret the content

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Improve CX by supporting queries and directing users to manuals or other resources

Sentiment Analysis and Market Intelligence Applications

Mine and analyze social media, reviews, news, competitors info, and market trends

User Interface for Smarter Search and Knowledge Graphs

Custom UI for a unified natural language search and content analytics experience

Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Engines

Enhance human and computer interaction leveraging NLU and NLG engines

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Here are our thoughts on the latest in technology, and some compelling stories of our shared success.

Case Study
NLP-based Sentiment Analysis for a Healthcare Provider

The client follows a manual medical record (EHR & physical record) summarization process u...

  • 95% accuracy rate with 5000+ documents
  • 60% decrease in time for synthesizing clinical guidelines
  • 100% compliance with healthcare regulations
  • Reduced FTE for handling exceptions from 3 to 1
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Here’s how sentiment analysis can help you drive ROI.

With the recent advancements in deep learning, many algorithms have been developed that can analyze customer conversations effectively. Sentiment analysis is one such text classification tool that tells whether the sentiment behind a text is positive, negative, or neutral. Leveraging this tool, businesses can comprehend the key aspects of their products and services that customers actually care about.

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Decision Intelligence – Unlocking Success in 2021 and Beyond

In a business context, the unpredictability of the outcomes in current decision models in most cases is a result of the failure to capture the “uncertain” factors linked to these models. The introduction of machine learning algorithms into the decision-making processes can eliminate these challenges. Read on to learn more.

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